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Congratulations to the Students of Southside BJJ at the QLD State Championships

By 16/05/2016December 22nd, 2020No Comments

We would like to say a big thank you and congratulations to all of the students of Southside BJJ for their personal and team achievements over the weekend.

As a team, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve it without you along with the unconditional support from Family, Friends, and the training partners that were unable to compete on the weekend.

Special thank you to the coaches that devote and sacrifice so much time towards the learning of the students.

Team Placings

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Team – Men’s 1st place

Team - Women's 2nd place

Team – Women’s 2nd place

Team - Kids's 1st place

Team – Kids’s 1st place

Thank you to the event organiser’s for arranging such a fantastic event to help promote and strengthen the growth of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Australia. Overall there was a fantastic showing of support and sportsmanship between all the competitors.

Special thank you to the major sponsor of the event Their support of Australian based BJJ athletes, gyms and competitors has been exceptional for increasing rise of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts in Australia.

FIght Life Australia

Qld State BJJ Championships proudly sponsored by FightLife Australia

Vicente Cavalcanti

Author Vicente Cavalcanti

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